why i will make a good jugde…

My family and I have lived and worked in Chester County since my great grandfather, Camillo D’ Annunzio, opened a small corner grocery store in West Chester in the early 1900s. Growing up as a kid, my family owned and operated that same family meat market and deli in West Chester on Gay St., a block from the Courthouse.

My great uncle Albert “Tut” D’Annunzio and my grandfather Jim Rongaus at the store in West Chester, 1939.

It was known as Tony’s Market and my brothers and I worked in that store after school for many years where our parents taught us the value of hard work, respect for all people, kindness, charity and a sense of community. It helped pay my way through Villanova University and Villanova School of Law.

We worked that family business until 2011 when my Dad, Kenny Rongaus, closed the business to become a full time care giver for my mom, JoAnn, who was became a paraplegic after a tragic fall at home. We built a new multi-generational home that was handicapped accessible to help care for her.

I started my legal career as an Assistant District Attorney with the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office, after interning with the Office through law school in 2001. I handled cases at the magisterial district court, the Juvenile Unit and trial unit. I handled all types of cases from DUI’s to homicides. I saw first hand the violence and impact of crime and drugs on communities.

In 2005, I started with the Chester County District Attorney’s Office after deciding that we wanted to stay in Chester County to raise our family. At the District Attorney’s Office, I was assigned to the trial unit and was assigned as a Assistant District Attorney to the Hon. Phyllis Streitel’s courtroom. Once again, I handled all types of criminal cases from simple assault to homicides. Even while prosecuting cases, I could still be found the counter at the store at lunchtime waiting on customers when I stopped by for lunch.

In 2007, I was sworn in as a Deputy Attorney General with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General under Tom Corbett. As a Deputy Attorney General, I supervised  the development of complex investigations and prosecutions against large scale drug trafficking and money laundering organizations operating in Pennsylvania utilizing an Investigating Grand Jury and electronic surveillance, including non-consensual wiretaps, as investigative tools and resources.  As a Deputy Attorney General, I was awarded the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence and the Pennsylvania Narcotics Officer’s Association’s Outstanding Prosecutor Award.

In 2011, I was sworn in a Chief Deputy Attorney General for the Bureau of Narcotics and Drug Control. I served as the Attorney General’s principal legal advisor for all drug law enforcement issues and investigations pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act. I supervised all statewide drug investigations and prosecutions conducted by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Drug Strike Force and the Pennsylvania State Police Bureau of Drug Law Enforcement, including all Grand Jury and Wiretapping investigations.   While Chief Deputy Attorney General, I was honored to receive the National Outstanding Drug Prosecutor Award by the President of the United States’ Office of National Drug Control Policy.  

In 2013, I left the Attorney General’s Office and went to the Pennsylvania State Police Chief Counsel’s Office under Governor Corbett and Governor Tom Wolfe. As Deputy Chief Counsel, I gained significant civil litigation experience in both State and Federal Court as I supervised all litigation, commercial, and transactional matters for the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Chief Counsel’s Office.  I formulated and reviewed all legal opinions affecting operational, policy, and legislative considerations of the PSP and oversaw all civil litigation in state, federal court, and administrative agencies involving the PSP.   While at PSP I was recognized with the Governor’s General Counsel’s Excellence Award in 2017 and selected for Governor’s Leadership Development Institute in 2018.   As Deputy Chief Counsel, I provided legal guidance through the Papal Visit in 2015, the Democratic National Convention in 2106, and Eagles Super Bowl victory and two Villanova University NCAA Championships.

In 2020, I became a partner at Siana Law here in Chester County and I represent municipalities, police departments, elected officials and police officers statewide in tort, civil rights and employment actions in both state and federal court and before the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, Equal Opportunity Commissions and American Arbitration Association. I also serve as Solicitor for various municipal governments and commissions.

To be a good trial judge a candidate needs to have courtroom and litigation experience in criminal and civil matters to preside and conduct trials. I have that experience as I have tried cases all over the state of Pennsylvania. I have tried over sixty jury trials to verdict and have litigated thousands of cases in over forty of Pennsylvania’s sixty Common Pleas Judicial Districts statewide and all three of Pennsylvania’s Federal District Courts. Moreover my practice has brought me before many different types of judges over my career and have witnessed firsthand what makes a good jurist. My extensive trial and litigation experience make me distinctly qualified to join the esteemed bench of the Chester County Court of Common Pleas and present me as an appealing candidate.  I am ready to step into the position of a Judge on day one to serve and protect the residents of Chester County.    

I will bring this hard work and community commitment to my work on the bench of Chester County.  As a Common Pleas Court Judge, I will treat all parties with respect and fairness.   I vow to enforce the rule of law rather than legislate from the bench.  I will use my experience to eliminate the backlog in criminal and civil cases due to the COVID-19 and judicial vacancies.   

A judge must protect the rights of all defendants by ensuring they receive a fair trial and that the government is not abusing its power. A judge must protect the rights of the civil litigants and victims by making sure that they have a voice and that those who violate the law are held accountable.  It is a judge’s responsibility to impart justice in matters that come before them.

Individual accountability is necessary for the success of our criminal and civil justice system and it is something that our society needs. A good judge must hold people accountable for their actions while balancing individual needs such as addiction, mental health issues, and other mitigating factors. This premise is especially true when working with juveniles and other diversionary programs.  

Public service and hard work are traits that my parents imparted to me at a young age. I have learned that hard work is necessary to attain success in all aspects of life. From working in my parents’ store after school, progressing through though the Scouting program to the rank of Eagle Scout, competing on the sports field, and paying my way through Villanova University and Villanova School of Law, I know hard work.  These lessons resonated with me and continued to push me to be involved in my community. 

I am a volunteer firefighter with the First West Chester Fire Company for the last thirty years and currently serve as President of the Company.  I also volunteer and coach with my three children’s sporting activities including East Side Little League, United Sports West Chester United Soccer Club, West Chester LAFA football, Headstrong Lacrosse, the Scouting Program, and Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Youth League sports.  I am also involved as a volunteer in various church and school activities.  Our family believes in being involved in the community. 

My wife, Rachel and I live in West Goshen Township with our three kids, Grace, Andy, and Philomena.  Our kids go to school here, and we are active members of our community. Good judges are important and necessary to help ensure that Chester County remains a safe place.

"As a kid who grew up in Chester County and is now raising a family here, I know our community and those who live in it. I have spent a career protecting it and bring that same common sense and real-world approach to the Court.  All of which provide me with a unique sense of balance and a respectful demeanor to those who appear before the Court."